Our mission is to raise awareness of Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome, maintain a support network for caregivers, and fund research for a cure.

Register for the 2025 OMSLife Caregiver Conference
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OMSLife Patient Reported Registry on OMAS
Inaugural Findings from the OMSLife Patient Reported Registry on OMAS
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Standards on OMS Treatment
International OMS Study Group provides Consensus Statement on Methods for Diagnosing and Treating OMS
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kids faces

We understand that you want your donation to make a huge impact. At the OMSLife Foundation, we strive to make every dollar work for our OMS warriors. One way we do this is by minimizing administrative costs. Whether hosting our next caregiver conference, advocating our OMS patient registry, or even building this website, we always want to be mindful of the costs involved. And for 2018, we have an anonymous benefactor who will be underwriting our administrative costs so that every dollar you give will go to help our OMS warriors!

kids foots
.... A Patient

.... A Patient

Fighting a rare disease can be scary.   We can help!
.... A Caregiver

.... A Caregiver

OMSLife can help direct you to OMS resources.
.... A Doctor treating a patient

.... A Doctor treating a patient

Maybe you need someone to give you a second opinion, or you are looking for data to support the treatment approach, we can help you find the resources needed.
.... A Researcher

.... A Researcher

We want to help find a cure for OMS.  If you are a researcher of OMS, movement disorders, or autoimmune diseases, let’s work together.