Raise Awareness of Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome
Providing information for doctors and patients to make the best decisions for the OMS patient
Support network for patients and caregivers
Providing social media and resource information for the patient
Fund Research for Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome
Providing funding for OMS research
Online Donation
If you are….
.... A Patient
Fighting a rare disease can be scary. We can help!
.... A Caregiver
OMSLife can help direct you to OMS resources.
.... A Doctor treating a patient
Maybe you need someone to give you a second opinion, or you are looking for data to support the treatment approach, we can help you find the resources needed.
.... A Researcher
We want to help find a cure for OMS. If you are a researcher of OMS, movement disorders, or autoimmune diseases, let’s work together.